The Mega Star
American Joshi Champion
Angel Blue

Name: Angel Blue
FKA: Alektra Blue
DOB: 08/30/1990
Height: 5'1
Weight: 109
Hometown: Fairbanks, Alaska
Trained By: Wally Darkmon and Lance Hoyt
Pro Debut: April 26th, 2008
ACW Debut: 06/05/2008 – “The Realization of Mortality”
Signature Moves: Running neck breaker
Finishing Moves: Deja Blue.
ACW Titles:
American Joshi Title: 01/15/2012 - "Guilty by Association 6" - defeated former champion Athena in a three-way match which also included Lillie Mae
Other Titles Held: IHWE Tag Team Champ, WBW Tag Team Champ, TCW Womans Champ, TWF Womans Champ
Notable Feuds and Alliances: (In her own words)
In my illustrious career, few have had the opportunity to be in "alliance" with me. Most notably, in my early days at ACW, I was aligned with the Smurf Nation, though everybody knows it was me that made that group special. Since returning to ACW from a hiatus, I have aligned myself with Darin Childs.
As far as "feuds" go, I consider myself in an ongoing fued with the entire Joshi division, as I should be the rightful holder of the title and when I get it, all of the other Joshi's will want a piece of me. However, 2 people I have an extensive history with include Barbi Hayden and ACW Joshi Champion Athena.
Personal History: (In her own words) wanna know more about Angel Blue, eh? I was born in the eternal darkness known as Fairbanks Alaska, but even there, a bright light followed everywhere i go as, well, there's just something special about me. I moved to the DFW area and began my quest to take over womans wrestling by training under Lance Hoyt and Wally Darkmon. After completing the training, I began to travel around Texas making a name for myself, when a friend helped me get into ACW, and the rest they say, is history! Unfortunately, that history includes a short hiatus from ACW, but now i'm BACK to reclaim what is rightfully mine, The ACW Joshi Title! Anything else about my "history" can be documented on ACW go buy one and watch The MegaStar!!!