Awesome Andy

Name: Awesome Andy
DOB: 3/1/1987
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 200 lbs
Hometown: Las Cruces, NM
Trained By: “Hurricane” Hector Rincon
Pro Debut: 6/12/06
ACW Debut: 08/05/07 “Distrust, Dismay & Anti-Social Behavior”
Signature Moves: the elevator (electric chair bomb), heat rush (running elbow strike), springboard dropkick.
Finishing Moves: tiger bomb, tiger suplex
ACW Titles: None Yet
Other Titles Held: inter regional light weight championship (rocky mountain championship wrestling), heavyweight champion (permian pro wrestling)
Notable Feuds and Alliances: (In his own words) Feuds: "someone I USED to look up to, an OLD mentor and someone I want to make HISTORY Scot Summers......"
Personal History: (In his own words) ACW is my home, I have gained alot of knowledge over the years...I will use that knowledge to defeat opponents in ACW and anywhere I step into the ring....
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