Chingo Del Santo

FKA: Chingo Smurf, Tex-Mex Smurf, Laz
DOB: 04/26/1984
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 250 lbs
Hometown: Del Rio Texas
Trained By: Jacob Ladder, Darin Childs, Massive
Pro Debut: April 11, 2008
ACW Debut: 08/10/2008 – “Distrust, Dismay and Anti-Social Behavior 2008”
Signature Moves: Flying Shoulder Tackle, “Swine Flew” (top rope splash), “The Fat Man Can Fly” Elbow Drop
Finishing Moves: Pump-Handle Slam, Kenta Bomb
ACW Titles:
Tag Team Title – 08/08/10 – “Fall From Grace 2010” – With Smurf Nation partner JC Bravo defeated former champions The Submission Squad (Evan Gelistico & Pierre Abernathy)
Young Guns - U-30 Title - 10/23/11 - "Beyond Good & Evil 2" - Defeated former champion & partner JC Bravo in an unscheduled match after Bravo challenged "Anyone in ACW"
Other Titles Held:
TnT Tag Team Titles (with JC Bravo), TWA Tag Team Titles (with JC Bravo)
Notable Feuds and Alliances: (In his own words) Feuding with the Submission Squad was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I suffered injuries that I am still dealing with to this day. I did learn a lot from them though. I still can’t stand them but I do respect them. Put me in the ring with them again and I will make sure I’m one step ahead of them.
Personal History: (In his own words) I got into this business not wanting to be a wrestler nor a referee. All I wanted to do was set up the ring and watch the show for free, but other wrestlers would practice their moves with me and all of a sudden I got interested. Ever since then, I have been having the time of my life. Being in the ring with the guy I used to sit in the front row (JC Bravo) and wrestling with or against the ones I used to cheer and boo has been an honor especially with Jerry Lynn because I did not expect to wrestle him that early in my career.
Fast forward to now. I am on a mission to whoop… I mean fight for my life like I’m back on the front lines in the Middle East. Prepare for the worst because it will be my best.
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