High Roller Hayze

Name: High Roller Hayze
DOB: 03/11/1983
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 200 lbs
Hometown: Hollywood, CA
Trained By: Started with Tug Taylor and then went and finished training with Dr. Death Steve Williams
Pro Debut: 1997
ACW Debut: 04/18/2010 – “Peace, Love & Anarchy 2”
Signature Moves: Hip Toss Neck Breaker, Super Kick,
Finishing Moves: Sex Drive (Neck-Breaker off Middle Rope)
ACW Titles:
None Yet
Other Titles Held:
WOW Light Heavyweight Title, TNW Heavyweight Title, NWA-Florida Tag Title, TCW Tag Title, XWO Tag Titles, PWE tag Titles x2, MEWF cruiserweight and tag x2,
Notable Feuds and Alliances: (In his own words) Slim Sexy has been the biggest and longest feud, Team XL and High Rollers inc., also facing Scott Summers at ACW.
Personal History: (In his own words) I have a history of being a prick and telling people how it really is. I shoot from the hip and pull no punches. This business is my life and I will not stand for immature, prima donnas, or wannabe wrestlers taking food off my families table.
Hollywood SAYs, Hayze aint the same with out his true bro. Hollywood will one day comeback to TX. The original HIGH ROLLERZ will reunite and become the one and only supirior tag team..... EVER