The Complex Killer
ACW Tag Team Champion
Jason Silver

Name: Jason Silver
AKA: “The Complex Killer”
DOB: 09/17/1986
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 175 lbs
Hometown: The Asylum in Dallas, Texas
Trained By: General Skandar Akbar, Killer Tim Brooks
Pro Debut: 2004
ACW Debut: 10/18/2009 – “A Nightmare on Tenth Street”
Signature Moves: Jumping Calf Kick, Super Kick, Modified Running Clothesline, Flipping Senton Bomb
Finishing Moves: “The Psychotic Episode” (double underhook drop into a bulldog), BCME (Best Corkscrew Moonsault Ever), “Why So Serious!?” (moonsault while holding opponent in cross body), Silver Future (cross backbreaker)
ACW Titles:ACW Tag Team Titles - 11/04/2011 on Day 2 of FunFunFun Fest 2011 Along with Lost Boys Tag Team Partner Sky de Lacrimosa defeated former champions Rachel Summerlyn & Jessica James in a 4-way match which also featured Team Sex: High Roller Hayze & Johnny Axxle and the team of Chingo Del Santo & Just Willie
Other Titles Held: NTWA Lightweight Title (2X), NTWA Television Title, LLM Hardcore Title (Singles and Co-Champion/ Sky Ryder) (4X), PHPW Tag Team Title (w/Sky Ryder),PHPW Tag Team Champion (w/Sky Ryder) (2x), FSW Tag Team Champion (w/ Sky Ryder), CBW World Champion (2x), AWA of Dallas World Champion, WBW World Champion, WBW Tag Team Title (3x), WBW Most Liked Superstar of 2008, WBW Best Match of 2008 (World Title Match vs. Billyclub)Notable Feuds and Alliances: Feuds with anyone standing in his way – Allied first and foremost with Sky de Lacrimosa as “The Lost Boys” Tag Team which is an integral part of “The Children of Pain.” Recently has been accompanied to the ring by Vanity Valentine.
Personal History: (In his own words) I started wrestling when I was 17, and after a brief stint being trained, began wrestling in a very sloppy manner which did not leave me happy with my performance as a wrestler for about two years. I was stuck at a small show in Garland, going nowhere for a long time, and I personally felt I was just classified as a 'spot monkey', because I was that guy who would do the flips, or the high spots just to get over, and I wasn't really wrestling! Shortly down the line I felt that I needed something to change, and I knew I needed to do something myself in order to change it...and that’s when I met Skandar Akbar, Spoiler 2000, and The Monster Bash at several shows the promotion held and it was then I decided to go to Skandar Akbar’s training school in which I retrained and redeveloped some of my wrestling skills before the school shut down shortly after. During this time period after the school closed, I managed to wrestle on shows with people like Billy Gunn, Barbarian, Doink the Clown, Charlie Haas, Low Ki, and several others; I even got to have a match against Chavo Guerrerro Sr at one point. Through out all this time, I spent my time taking the knowledge I gained from Akbar’s school, and used it to hone my own skills as best I could at the time, but I still felt something was missing, even though I was enjoying a smaller boost in success than before. I wanted to know more, and that’s why in 2010, I started attending Killer Tim Brooks wrestling school where I could learn yet another branch of wrestling from a different perspective, and slowly over the course of this time, I have been adapting that knowledge that I am gaining into my current database of wrestling. Over my years in wrestling thus far, I have gotten to face off against or interact with many wrestlers, some good and some great, some bad, and some terrible. A few of those people that stand out to me are JT LaMotta, Byron Wilcott, Chavo Guerrero Sr., Matthew Palmer, Spoiler 2000, Li Fang, Cody Knight, Genesis (Arcane and Haiden), Jesse Sorenson, Rachel and Jessica, Darin Childs, Scott Summers, and MANY others I am sure I am forgetting to name, but those are just some that either stand out in my mind as I write this, or are recent occurrences that I enjoyed.
One thing I always had my eyes set on, was either going to Japan or some other country to wrestle, just to get the feeling of traveling such a great distance and providing entertainment to another culture or group of people, something that would further challenge me.Now to end my rambling I am going to say this...
Most of all what I'm hoping for with my wrestling career is that after I’m done, I will of at least made a difference to one persons view of smaller people in wrestling. I hate the stereotype of a 'small guy'(or girl), cannot lead a company. ACW proves that wrong on a regular basis and is slowly expanding as time passes. I would like for something like that to be done on a larger scale and leave people seeing that just like in life outside of wrestling, everyone can do something amazing and really surprise you, if just given the chance.